ESA's Euclid mission is designed to explore the composition and evolution of the dark Universe. The space telescope will create a great map of the large-scale structure of the Universe across space and time by observing billions of galaxies out to 10 billion light-years, across more than a third of the sky. Euclid will explore how the Universe has expanded and how structure has formed over cosmic history, revealing more about the role of gravity and the nature of dark energy and dark matter.

Euclid was launched from Florida in July 2023.

On this page you will find a list of key Euclid UK contacts, information on how to join the Euclid Consortium, and information on computing resources and meetings.


Euclid Consortium Board UK Representatives:

Name Institute
Isobel Hook Lancaster University
Bob Nichol University of Surrey

Euclid Instrument Leads (from UK):

Name Institute
Mat Page (VIS Lead) University College London
Chris Brockley-Blatt (VIS Project Manager) University College London
Patricia Liebing (VIS Deputy Instrument Scientist) University College London

Euclid UK Science Ground Segment Leads:

Name Institute
Andy Taylor (Euclid UK SGS Lead) University of Edinburgh
Shona Matthew (Euclid UK SGS Project Manager) University of Edinburgh
Isobel Ovens (Euclid UK SGS Project Administrator) University of Edinburgh

Euclid Core Science Leads (from UK):

Name Institute
Alex Hall (Weak Lensing SWG Lead) University of Edinburgh

Euclid Legacy Science Leads (from UK):

Name Institute
Rebecca Bowler (Primeval Universe SWG Lead) University of Manchester
Chris Conselice (Legacy Science Lead) University of Manchester
Giulio Fabbian (CMB Cross Correlations SWG Lead) Cardiff University
Eamonn Kerins (Exoplanets SWG Lead) University of Manchester
Kazuya Koyama (Theory SWG Lead) University of Portsmouth

Euclid OU Leads (from UK):

Name Institute
Benjamin Joachimi (OU LE3 Lead) University College London
Andy Taylor (OU SHE Lead) University of Edinburgh
Kevin Benson (OU VIS Deputy) University College London

Euclid Inter-SWG Taskforce Leads (from UK):

Name Institute
Alkistis Pourtsidou (IST:NL Lead) University of Edinburgh

Euclid UK Science Data Centre:

Name Institute
Gordon Gibb (SDC UK Technical Lead) University of Edinburgh

Euclid Consortium Editorial Board Leads (from UK):

Name Institute
John Peacock (ECEB Co-Chair) University of Edinburgh

The Euclid:UK Coordination Group (EUCG) is a body tasked with coordinating and enabling Euclid UK researchers (the Euclid UK Community) to maximise access, use and exploitation of Euclid data within the UK. The EUCG terms of reference may be found here.

The current members of the EUCG are:

Name Institute
Alex Hall (chair) University of Edinburgh
Stephen Eales Cardiff University
Mathilde Jauzac Durham University
Daniel Mortlock Imperial College London
James Nightingale Durham University
Francesco Shankar University of Southampton

Please apply for membership through this Euclid Consortium webpage. The application requires a CV and cover letter stating why you need membership and what you plan to do within the Consortium.


Euclid:UK has access to eInfrastructure for Research and Innovation for STFC (IRIS), which covers a range of facilities for distributed high-performance computing. Full details are available at

1000 CPU years for development work has been allocated to UK-based Euclid members for 2022-2024. If you would like to make use of the allocation please contact the EUCG directly.


The 2022 Euclid:UK Meeting took place on Tuesday 13th December and Wednesday 14th December online. Meeting website.

The 2023 Euclid Consortium Meeting took place 19th-23rd June in Copenhagen. The meeting website is

The 2023 Euclid:UK Meeting took place on Thursday 14th December and Friday 15th December at the RAS, London. Meeting website.

The 2024 Euclid Consortium took place 17th-23rd June in Rome.

The 2024 Euclid:UK Meeting took place on Tuesday 10th December and Wednesday 11th December at the RAS, London. Meeting website.

The 2025 Euclid Consortium Meeting is taking place 24th-27th March in Leiden. Meeting website.

Designed by Stephen Wilkins and Alex Hall. 2023.